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Meet The Judges

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Fred Ford

General Affect, Music

Fred has been involved in the marching arts since childhood as a  performer, instructor, administrator and adjudicator. He served as the  Staff and Program Coordinator for the East Coast Jazz from Malden,  MA, helping lead the corps to 2 DCI Open Class Championships. He also  served as program Coordinator for The Jersey Surf, Spartans and  Citations Drum and Bugle Corps and was on the Board of Directors for  the Boston Crusaders. He was inducted in the Mass Music Educator and  Drum Corps Hall of Fame in 2011. Fred has been active adjudicator  since 1990 and judges for numerous scholastic marching band and  indoor circuits as well as Drum Corps Associates. Fred lives in  Wakefield, MA with his wife Cheryl and 2 children. He is the Vice  President of Sales for Ingalls Outdoor Advertising and the drummer for  the Soul Revival Orchestra.


Kim (Corney) Kuhn

Individual Visual

Kim (Corney) Kuhn has played various roles since becoming involved in the pageantry arts 25 years ago. As a performer, designer, director, instructor, and clinician, Kim has been involved with multiple groups making appearances in BOA, DCI, and WGI semi-finals and finals.  She continues to work with groups in the fall and winter as a writer/designer and technician.  As an instructor, she most enjoys being able to share her passion for the activity with her students, watching the training foundation she put into place support their development continuing to higher levels of performance with other organizations as well as teaching groups of their own. Having served on the Board of Directors for the Michigan Color Guard Circuit for multiple years, she currently serves as the Vice President of Color Guards.  She remains an active member of the education, championship and rules committee within the circuit. Her judging experience as a visual judge includes: Bands of America (BOA), Winter Guard International (WGI), Drum Corps International (DCI), as well as multiple local circuits throughout the country.

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Jonathan Yoo

Ensemble Visual

JONATHAN YOO is the Associate Director of Bands at Seven Lakes High School in Katy, Texas. His  responsibilities include coordinating the marching band, conducting Symphonic Band, Concert II and  Jazz Band. Under his direction, the various ensembles have received consistent “Sweepstakes” ratings  at UIL contests and festivals. 
Jonathan graduated cum laude from the University of Houston, where he studied saxophone and  music education. During his time there he was involved with the marching band, concert bands, and  jazz orchestra. While at the University of Houston, he had the opportunity to perform with Diane  Shuur, Conrad Herwig, Vincent Herring and Wayne Burgeron. 
He has also spent four years performing with the Madison Scouts Drum and Bugle Corps. His DCI  teaching experience includes the Glassmen, Spirit of Atlanta, Music City and Pacific Crest. 
Jonathan is also a visual judge for indoor percussion. He has judged for the Texas Colorguard Circuit,  North Texas Colorguard Circuit, Mississippi Indoor Association, Ohio Indoor Performance Association,  Southeastern Colorguard Circuit and Gulf Coast Colorguard and Percussion.  
His professional affiliations include the Texas Music Educators Association, Texas Bandmasters  Association and Phi Mu Alpha Sinfonia Fraternity.


David Tippett

Ensemble Music

David Tippett, a freelance artist and music consultant has performed with Jazz greats, Joe Williams, Bill Evans, Clark Terry, Zoot Simms, Ernie Watts, and Jiggs Whigham.  He has toured with the Russ Morgan Orchestra, Columbia Artist Tours including:  The Stars of Lawrence Welk, Andy Williams Christmas Tour, Four Lads, The Aces, Cordetts, and the Diamonds.  He played lead trumpet for the Buddy Rich Big Band and has been a house musician for Norwegian, American Holland, Royal Viking, and Carnival Cruise Lines.  Recently, he has been on tour with Frankie Valli, Temptations, and The Four Tops.  Mr. Tippett is a widely respected Jazz Ensemble and Marching Band clinician and adjudicator for numerous festivals throughout the U.S.  He is currently the Music Specialist for the PLD High School from Lexington, KY and serves as a Teaching Artist for Aesthetic Education through Lincoln Center for the Arts in New York City.  His involvement in the Pageantry Arts Activity has spanned over 30 years.  Working with many groups through the years such as The Blue Stars, Star of Indiana, and Caption Head for The Glassmen (87-97), Carolina Crown, Garfield Cadets, and Capital Regiment.  He has also served as the Director of the Toledo Jazz Orchestra and the assistant director of the University of Toledo Marching Band.


J.R. Trimpe

Individual Music

J.R. Trimpe is an ASCAP award winning composer, adjudicator, and visual designer from Farmington Hills, MI. He has taught band and orchestra at the elementary, high school, and university levels, and holds degrees in music education from Michigan State and the University of Illinois. For the last 30 years, his arrangements, compositions, and drills have been performed all over North America from large events like the Rose Bowl to small town Friday night football games. He is also an active composer for film scores, video games, and other media. In his free time, he volunteers with non-profits, reads as much as he can (but never as much as he would like), plays with his daughter Allie, torments his 2 cats, avoids mowing the lawn, and tries to have dinner started by the time his wife Jen gets home from work.

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Tom Acheson (Chief Judge)

General Effect Visual

Tom Acheson is one of the pioneers of the Marching Arts.  His contribution through the years has helped develop the modern training techniques, the tools of visual design, and the criteria reference system in use today.  Tom served for twenty years as a founding board member of The Tristate Marching Arts, an Event developer for Ohio, Kentucky, and Indiana Marching Arts for the winter season.  He also served on the executive board for Winter Guard International for six years. He established the Education Division and assisted in the development of the three tiered scoring system.   Tom has developed, taught, and consulted with over 600 shows in his career.  As an adjudicator, Tom has judged for International and National organizations such as WGI and BOA as well as numerous state championships across the country.

Tom resides in beautiful Alexandria, Kentucky with his wife, Julie, and their dog Berkeley.

Meet the Judges: Team Members
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