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2021 Baron Brigade


Sparks of Joy

Musical Selections 

Arrangements of Turbo Scramjet & Kingfishers Catch Fire

Drum Majors

Brooklyn Clark

Ryan Jauregui

Kyra Sells

Baron Brigade is a 23 time state finalist

Drum Sticks_edited.jpg
We Are DeKalb: About

2021 Baron Brigade Staff

Music-Kent Klee 

Drill-Mike Beights

Percussion Director-Randy Lemish 

Percussion-Zach Brown 

Percussion-Cutter Mask

Guard Director-Brittany Satterthwaite

Guard-Brittany Disheaux

Brass-Jamie Foster & Kyle Rodgers

Woodwinds- Aimee Slone, Terry Fisher, & Walter Hesting

We Are DeKalb: Text
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